IntelePeer blog management

TL;DR 👓 I took IntelePeer’s blog from generic brainstorm to a SEO-backed-campaign-supporting strategy with keyword research, content management, and coordinating writers. I tripled content production in eight months and advocated for quality over quantity. Results included increased organic traffic and SEO, higher social media engagement, and product campaign support.

IntelePeer blog

From throwing darts at a board

When I started at IntelePeer, there was little to no strategy for the blog which had about three posts per month. The content equivalent of throwing darts at a board of topics. I quickly built relationships with the Product and Lead Generation Team. The Product team’s campaigns weren’t supported and the Lead Generation Team needed help generating content. In tandem, my goal on the Brand Team was to create as much content as possible (something I’d later advocate against in favor of higher quality content).

To SEO, management, and scaling

I worked with our SEO agency and internal teams to research keywords for the brand and product campaigns. I worked with internal subject matter experts to establish their byline authorship for keywords, assigned each keyword a marketing funnel stage so users would be able to navigate through the content funnel. In addition, distribution of funnel stages would help in assessing leads by identifying what content-level they engaged with.

I established a content team with a Lead Gen copywriter and two of the company’s third-party agencies. I assigned SEO-backed blogs to everyone, managed a content calendar, and timed blogs to support campaigns simultaneously rather than one at a time. After two months, I refined the project management workflow and worked with individual writers, which resulted in a huge content shift that tripled blog production. 

In addition, I advocated for the Lead Gen team to promote the blogs with emails, campaign and campaign-specific journeys, and more social media.

Resulting in higher organic and social traffic and better SEO

While some data was obscured (long story short, a third-party agency that left before I started at IntelePeer had vastly inflated some of Google’s web analytics), I did find significant improvements to SEO and some of my personal blogs even landed on page-one of Google SERPs. 

More blogs on page one also resulted in more organic traffic (data obscured). And sharing each blog on social resulted in about a 300% increase in social traffic and engagement. While results were great, a better social and email distribution could have improved.

Ideally, I would love to have gotten the promotion at IntelePeer that my manager was advocating for me to get; I would have orchestrated content such as email journeys, podcasts, and social media to better align with the content that was produced.

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